The backbone of a smart home

Every access point and home networking hardware is placed with purpose—ensuring strength, quality, and reliability.

Networking that keeps up with your smart home

In a professional smart home, there is a lot more that goes into a network than plugging in a router, a few access points, crossing your fingers, and hoping for the best. We take a methodical and scientific approach to setting up your network that begins with selecting the proper hardware and configuring each networking device to optimize the performance you deserve.

Get the networking speeds and reliability you deserve

We don't want you to think about your network ever again.

Tried and true

When you opt for a professionally installed network, that means we can create a network that is custom tailored to your lifestyle. Have frequent get-togethers with many guests? No problem, let us know and we'll make sure your network can scale without affecting anyone's experience.


On the rare chance that some device isn't working as it should be, you can easily reboot and repair the device yourself without calling us.


Your network automatically reboots when it can't connect to the internet


Restart or power cycle your router, WiFi, and smart home OS with a tap of a button


Check status of devices on your network


Create a schedule that turns off devices and internet access so your kids can go to sleep